bioresonance therapy
Bioresonance Therapy
Various Bioresonance methods can be used to check the energetic balance of the body. These methods have their origins in traditional acupuncture and classical homeopathy. A combination of age-old Chinese medical knowledge and cutting-edge western technology.
The first sign of abnormality in the body is an electrical charge. If abnormal electrical charges continue for long enough, then eventually structural changes will occur. Bioresonance therapies are able to measure these bio-energetic phenomena by recording the change in skin conductivity after application of a small voltage.
Bioresonance therapies measure changes in an acupuncture point. By placing a test substance into the measuring circuit the practitioner can readily observe these changes. This type of therapy uses very low electrical vibrations to take readings from acupuncture points. By touching the person’s skin with the tester while they hold a metal tube in their opposite hand, an electrical circuit is completed. Based on previously determined norms, the results can show underlying issues such as intolerances to the substances being tested. These are painless and completely non-invasive modalities.
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